Two Paths Converged: A Journey of Love, Growth, & Unity

Article by Precious and Brittney Bailey
Photography by Jess Marie Photography

Despite being complete opposites, we share a profound similarity in our identities, beliefs, love, and perspectives on the world. Prior to our encounter, we both sought love in relationships that proved unworthy, resorting to drugs and alcohol. These experiences clouded our understanding of what love truly entailed. However, our paths of recovery converged, leading us to discover one another.

In December of 2020, we crossed paths and effortlessly became the closest of friends, without any conscious effort. Our journey together has been marked by seamless harmony from the very start. We engaged in heartfelt conversations, genuinely listened to one another, and nurtured a level of communication that surpassed any previous experiences. It was as if we had discovered the missing halves of ourselves in each other, igniting an insatiable curiosity to delve deeper into one another’s lives.

Precious and Brittney Bailey - Photo by Jess Marie Photography

Precious and Brittney Bailey

Even after nearly three years, our desire to learn more about each other remains unwavering. Since the day we met, not a single day has passed without us engaging in conversation. With only a rare exception of a day or two, we have been inseparable ever since. We have maintained a constant connection, seldom going a day without conversation, and only experiencing a day or two apart since then.

Throughout our journey, we have shared countless memorable experiences together. From celebrating Valentine’s Day in the cozy confines of a jeep to embarking on numerous spontaneous road trips, our connection deepened through our shared love for music, exhilarating concerts, and even daring activities like skydiving. Our first vacation together served as a poignant reminder of the immense blessings we both enjoy.

Remarkably, we never felt compelled to impose expectations upon each other or force anything. Instead, we allowed everything to unfold naturally, guided by our hearts and unwavering faith in every precious moment. From securing our very first apartment to eventually finding a home we could call our own, our journey has been filled with milestones.

Meeting each other’s parents and embracing them as our own, we seamlessly integrated into each other’s families. Welcoming Precious’s daughter into my life felt remarkably effortless, as if I had known her since the day she was born. My love for her is profound, as she holds a special place in my heart, completing the missing piece of our family puzzle.

Without a shadow of doubt, the love we share is precisely what we need to fulfill our lives and become the best versions of ourselves. Our engagement took place in December 2021, and once again on April 16th, 2022 (Precious believed that every woman should experience that special moment, so she proposed too!). After enduring challenging and emotionally draining battles, we were granted full custody of Precious’s daughter in November 2022.

Throughout these difficult times, we served as unwavering pillars of support for one another, drawing strength from our bond. Every hardship we faced only deepened our connection, bringing us closer and reinforcing our shared faith. In May 2023, we joyously tied the knot! We are now officially wives, and our family has expanded to include our beloved daughter.

Both of us have dedicated ourselves to personal growth and have supported each other’s journeys. Over the past three years, we have matured significantly, yet our relationship keeps us youthful. We dance together in the kitchen, capture beautiful moments on rooftops, and seize every opportunity for delightful breakfast dates.

We share a profound spiritual connection with the essence of life and the unseen energy that binds us together. There is an indescribable sense of tranquility that emerges when one lives in alignment with their purpose—an experience that can only be truly understood through personal encounter. Within one another, we have discovered our purpose, and it bestows upon us an unparalleled serenity.

Reflecting on our journey, we recognize that our paths have perpetually converged, guiding us inexorably towards each other. The love between us is an eternal process, forever unfolding. We will forever endeavor to deepen our understanding of love, surpassing each day’s efforts with unwavering commitment, throughout all the days to come.



Precious Bailey




Brittney Bailey


Photography by Jess Marie Photography




Las Vegas PRIDE Magazine - Issue 46

This article was originally published in the 2023 August/September Issue of Las Vegas PRIDE Magazine, and can be read in its original format here.